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Source:Public Resource Trading System | Author:POWERCHINA Resource LTD. | Release Time: 2019-04-26 |
Instruction to Bidders via. Public Tender Documents For Operational Period Security Service
1. The Port Qasim Electric Power Company (Private) Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Tenderee or PQEPC”) intends to hire a security company to provide security services for Port Qasim 2×660MW Coal-fired Power Project during the Operational Period.
2. Project Address: Port Qasim in Karachi, Pakistan.
3. Project funds: After the Tenderee has finished the Bidding work, the Tenderee shall use his own funds as this Contract payment funds, the Tenderee has finished project financing.
4. Tender Name: Public Tender Documents For Operational Period Security Service For Pakistan Port Qasim Coal-fired Power Project.
5. The Bidders can buy the Tender documents at the office: Plot No. EIZ/LL/SP-14, Eastern Industrial Zone, Opposite Engro Polymer, Port Qasim, Karachi, Pakistan. from 2019.5.1 to 2019.5.5 (morning:8:00-12:00afternoon:14:30-18:00, without legal holidays.). The Tenderee shall provide the electrical edition of Tender documents and the printed edition of Tender documents. If there is any difference between both editions, the printed edition of Tender documents shall prevail.
6. A complete set of Tender documents may be purchased by an interested Bidder on submission of a written application to the above office and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of 2000 PKR.
7. All Bids must be sealed and accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount of Rs. 500,000 (Rupees Five Hundred Thousand Only) by cheque, and must be post delivered to the Employer’s office at Plot No. EIZ/LL/SP-14, Eastern Industrial Zone, Opposite Engro Polymer, Port Qasim, Karachi, Pakistan at or before 15:30 ,on May 25, 2019. (Pakistan Time). The Employer shall hold Bid opening meeting at 15:30 on May 25th, 2019 at the Employer"s No 1 meeting room. The Bid evaluation team will comprehensively evaluate and score the Bids and propose the recommended company from May 25, 2019 to June 1, 2019 (Pakistan Time).
8. The lowest price provided by the Bidder shall not be warranted as Bid winner by the Tenderee. The Tenderee reserves the right to appoint any Bidder who complies with the Bid Documents in its absolute discretion.The Tender reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid without explanation.
9. Qualification of the Bidder:
9.1 The Bidder owns registration records at Sindh/Karachi City Police Station;
9.2 The Bidder owns company business license;
9.3 The Bidder’s security officer owns the gun license legally;
9.4 The Bidder’s weapons and ammunition are well-maintained and in good order;
9.5 In the past three years, all contracts have been well performed by the Bidder;
9.6 The Bidder recommended by the military police shall be given priority;
9.7 The Bidder must have good financial position, and the owner has not been ordered to suspend business, taken over, frozen and bankrupted in past three years;
9.8 The project being performed or prepared for commitment by the Bidder shall not influence the timely completion and delivery of Bidding equipment.
9.9 The Bidder must have experienced Security Services Personnel.
10.Service Period will be one year. This service period may be extended with the written consent of both parties.
11.Media for Notice to Public:This Notice to Public shall be simultaneously opened in website of Bidding and Purchasing Public Resource Trading Platform of PowerChina (http://bid.powerchina.cn/en) and China Tendering And Bidding Public Service Platform (http://www.cebpubservice.com) at the same time.
12. Cost of Bidding
The Bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their respective Bids and the Tenderee will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding process.
13. Contact Information
Address:Plot No. EIZ/LL/SP-14, Eastern Industrial Zone, Opposite Engro Polymer, Port Qasim, Karachi, Pakistan.
Post Code:75020
Contact :
Ma Xiaofeng :
Tel 0317-2741192
Muhammad Bilal :